Interested in supplying us?
Some FAQs about supplying HAPA:
SAMPLES Please dont leave them in the store! We just dont have room to store your items until they can be assessed (and honestly its not easy to keep track of them at our busy times when we have many boxes of stock incoming). Please use the form above to send images and pricing of your work.
DELIVERIES All order deliveries must be accompanied by an invoice so we can mark items off and double check pricing before displaying instore.
INVOICE DETAILS Your address, phone, email, bank account number should be on your invoice. Please fill in all quantities and pricing for each item supplied. Please also mark clearly whether you are GST registered.
PRICING AND PACKAGING Wholesale pricing is the price you are selling it to the retailer/stockist. If you sell direct to customers then it's helpful to know what you are retailing your work for too. We really appreciate it when a supplier gives us 'shelf talker' or info cards to go with a product to help us tell your story. Packaging isnt always necessary as we offer free giftwrapping to our customers - but we do appreciate it when a product comes adequately boxed, or jewelley is presented on a card etc - happy to dicuss these options with you and recommend local packaging suppliers. We're always happy to help with pricing, packaging details etc - especially if you are new to wholesaling as it can be a tricky transition from selling direct to your customer, to wholesaling to a retailer.
RE-ORDERS We reorder prior to the first of each month if stock is required. Please email any catalogues/links/images/updates directly to
PAYMENT We generally buy stock outright (ie we dont sell on commission) - there are exceptions to this though eg, if your work is a one off piece and you are looking to "test the waters" then talk to us, we can can potentially display that item and sell on commission. We usually buy work outright as we think thats the best way to support our artists, rather than making them wait until an item has sold. We do appreciate it though if you can swap out slow moving items. We pay by direct credit into your bank account. Payment is made on the 20th of the month following invoice date. Ie, if your invoice is dated in June, you will be paid 20th July.
OTHER INFO Please keep us up to date on new work and keep us informed if you are looking to stock another retailer close to us. Good communication is awesome, and as each situation is different, we are happy to discuss stocking separate lines/products/colours etc if you already stock another retailer near our stores. Please email us your artist bio (optional!) when you dispatch your order. If you whakapapa Māori please let us know your iwi affiliations - ngā mihi! We love to be able to promote your links and connections alongside your products. If you have some, please supply us with a cloud link to any good images you have of your work. We will use these to promote your work via our website, instagram and facebook page.
NOTES ON CULTURAL APPRECIATION/APPROPRIATION If your products have elements of Māori or other indigenous/minority cultural design - then we will expect to you acknowledge your links and whakapapa.
If you do not whakapapa to the cultures that you are "taking inspiration from" - then please, before you approach us, look at this RESOURCE and assess your product using their tool.
We will expect you to brief us on how you are "giving back", instead of just "taking". Are you working with an indigenous designer? Are you profit sharing with a kaupapa Māori agency or group? Are you supporting a local kohanga Reo? Fill us in on your strategy.
A clear example is NZ brand Moana Road, who works closely with Ngāti Maniapoto designer and creative Miriama Grace Smith on apparel and accessory ranges. She is appropriately paid and acknowledged for her design services, and the products carry swing tags acknowledging her whakapapa and design principles.
For more info, have a look at these links below:
Read these excellent Māori Culture Guidelines by Karaitiana Taiuru
Listen to this Podcast with Jess Thompson-Carr
Read this thought provoking Article by Debra Hunt
Read this excellent Blog from AHO Creative
CONTACT Feel free to get in touch with us anytime! Ill be frank and say that it can take a minute to get a reply, we are a small pakihi and life/big kaupapa can get in the way sometimes - but we will definitely reply when we can!
Manager Nadia -
Store owner Maureen
Store owner Blair